Ethereum: Solidity smart contract not compiling in python

Ethereum Smart Contract Compilation Error: SOLC Version 0.15.1

The issue you are facing is likely due to an outdated solidity version in your Solcx Library, which may not be compatible with the latest ethereum smart contract compilation tools. HERE’S A STEP-BY-STEP SOLUTION TO RESOLVE THIS ERROR:


  • Make Sure You Have Installed Soleicx AndSolc Using Pip:


SOLCX installing pip


  • Ensure that Solidity Version 0.8.10 or higher is used with solicx.

  • If you’re still using an older version of Solidity, upgrade to the latest one available.


  • Update SOLC Version : Run the following command in your terminal or command Prompt:


SOLC -Version


This should display the current version of Solc. Update it to 0.15.1 if necessary.

  • Install New Solidity Version with Solicx


To use a Newer Version of Solidity (E.G., 0.8.10), you can install it using pip:


Pip Install SOLCX [Solidity]


This command will automatically update your Solc Installation to the latest compatible version.

  • Verify Compile Files : After Installing Solicx, Re-Compile Your Solidity Contract Files:


From Web3 Import Web3, httprovider

Ethereum: Solidity smart contract not compiling in python

Replace with your Ethereum Network Provider

Provider = httprovider ('

Create a New Web3 Instance

Web3 = Web3 (Provider)

Compile the smart contract file using solc

compile_files ([path/to/your/smart_contract.sol '], provider, output_dir =' path/to/output/directory ')

Replace Your_project_id with your actual infura project id.

Example use case

HERE’S A SIMPLE EXAMPLE OF How You can use the Compiled Contract Files to Deploy the Smart Contract:


Import Necessary Modules and Variables

From Web3 Import Web3, httprovider

Import OS

Replace with your Ethereum Network Provider

Provider = httprovider ('

Create a New Web3 Instance

Web3 = Web3 (Provider)

Compile the smart contract file using solc

compile_files ([path/to/your/smart_contract.sol '], provider, output_dir =' path/to/output/directory ')

Deploy the Smart Contract to the Ethereum Network

contract_address = web3.eth.contract (address = os.path.join (os.getcwd (), 'output/', 'path/to/contractaddress'))

DEPLOY_TX = contract_address.functions ('YoursmartContractfunction'). Call ()

Make sure you replace Your_project_id with your actual infura project id andpath/to/your/smart_contract.sol, path/to/contractaddress, andyoursmartContractfunction with the correct values ​​for your smart contract.

troubleshooting tips

  • If you're still experiencing issues, try updatingsolcto a new version or reinstalling it.

  • Make sure that your ethereum network provider is up-to-date and compatible withsolicx.

  • Verify that all necessary dependencies (e.g.,Web3, Solcx`) are installed and functioning correctly.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the compilation error and successfully deloy your smart contract using the latest tools.

Ethereum Redeem Script

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