Solana: How Do I Setup a Solana Development Environment using Visual Studio Code?

Setting Environmental Salt Panks Developing with Visual Research Code

Sorana is a popular, fast and scalable Blockchain platform that has attracted significant attention in the cryptocurrency area. As its development environment becomes more mature, setting up a suitable development environment on your machine may be irresistible for beginners. This article goes through the environmental establishment process to develop Solan using the Visual Studio Code (VS code), which is a great choice for developers because of its light and adaptive nature.


Before we start, make sure you have the following conditions:

  • Modern operating system (Windows, Macos or Linux)

  • Recent version of NODO.JS (recommendation LTS or latest version)

  • Solana Clli (knot pack management) installed on your machine

  • Knowledge with Gita and Basic Coding Concepts

Step 1: Install the required packages

Solana: How Do I Setup a Solana Development Environment using Visual Studio Code?

To set the salt development environment, the VS code must install the following packages:

  • Solan-clli '

  • VScode solan

To install these packages via NPM or thread:


NPM Install -G Sorana -Cli @vScode/Sorana




Predja Global Add Soana-Clli @vScode/Sorana


Step 2: Create a new Solane project

Create a new folder for your project and go. Then create a new directory for the project folder with the name of your choice (egmy_solana_project).


mkdir my_solana_project

Cd my_solana_project


Phase 3: Format Sorana Cli

Platform Solana Clli to download and manage packages:


Solan init


This command will create a new directory structure for your project, including the necessary files for the Sorana Clu.

Step 4: Install dependency

Install all the necessary addiction by launching the following commands:


NPM Install – -Save @Sorana/Web3.js




LANGA MORE @Sorana/Web3.js


Step 5: Set vs code settings

Update vs code settings to incorporate the Sorana Clli. You can do this by creating a new file called.vscode/setins.jsonand add the following content:



“Extensions”: [“Typescript”],

“Solan version”: “1.9.0”,

“SolanodePath”: “/USR/bin/knot”



This configuration speaks to VS code NODO.JS version 1.9.0, which is a recommended version of salt development.

Step 6: Create a new Sorana folder

Create a new directory called "SRC in your project folder:


Mkdir src

Cd src


Step 7: Create a new strength file

Create a new file called "Main.sol Division” SRC/Agreement “, which acts as the main group:


Pragman solidity ^0.8.0;

MyContkrt agreement

Nint256 public number;

Function Income () Public {

Count ++;


Function GetCount () Public View Returns (Naint256) {) {

Return number;




This strength code defines a simple contract with the activities of the I GetCount collection feature.

Step 8: Build and assemble a project

Complete and Build the Sorana project with the following commands:


NPM Run Build: Dev

Npm run compile




Building Yarns: Dev

Yarn construction


Build: Devproduces a file '.sol in the same directory.

Step 9: Open your new project in vs code

Open the new Sorana project with vs code. You should see a new folder structure with multiple files and folders including:

  • Main.Sol: Your main power basket

  • Contracts.

  • Contract.abi`: ABI (Binary application interface) your contract

Step 10: Type code in vs code

You can now write the code directly in the editor or open an existing file.


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