Here is an article that provides guidelines on how to generate a listening key (also known as Binance Smart Chain) in your application script:
Generating a Listening Key in Your Application Script: A Step-by-Step Guide
Are you new to building data streams using the Binance Data Stream API and having a hard time getting started? In this article, we will walk you through the process of generating a listening key (also known as Binance Smart Chain) in your application script.
What is a listening key?
A listening key is a cryptographic key used to authenticate requests to the Binance Data Stream API. It is required to send and receive data on the Binance Smart Chain, which is a blockchain platform that runs on top of the Ethereum network.
Step 1: Create an Application Script
First, you need to create an application script in your Google account. To do this:
- Sign in to your Google account
- Go to Gmail or Google Workspace website
- Click on “Create New Project”
- Select “Application Scripts” as the project type
Step 2: Set up the Binance Data Stream API
To connect to the Binance Data Stream API, you will need to set up a new script that handles data streams. You can do this by clicking on the “+” button in the left menu and selecting “Create New Script”. Select “Data Stream” as the data stream type.
Step 3: Configure the Listen Key
The Binance Data Stream API requires a listen key to authenticate requests. To generate a listen key, you will need to create a new JSON Web Key (JWK) and add it to the application script.
Here’s an example of how to do this:
// Set up the JWK generator
var jwk = crypto.generateKey({
type: "RSA",
keysize: 2048,
// Export the JWK as a JSON string
var jwkJson = JSON.stringify(jwk);
Step 4: Add the listening key to your application script
After you’ve created the JWK, you can add it to your application script. To do this:
- In the script editor, click Tools > Manage Credentials
- Click Create New Key
- Select JSON Web Key (JWK) as the type.
- Select the file containing the JWK JSON string from Step 3
Step 5: Configure the listening key in your application script
To use the listening key, you’ll need to specify it in a URL parameter or environment variable. Here’s how:
- In your script, add the following line at the top of the function:
var listenKey = 'YOUR_JWK_JSON_STRING';
Replace “YOUR_JWK_JSON_STRING” with the actual JSON string from step 3.
To put it all together
Now that you’ve generated a listening key (JWK) and added it to your script, you’re ready to use it to authenticate requests to the Binance Data Stream API. To do this:
- In your script, call the generateListenKey function:
function generateListenKey() {
var jwk = crypto.generateKey({
type: "RSA",
keysize: 2048,
var listenKey = 'YOUR_JWK_JSON_STRING';
// Add the listen key to the application script
var script = new Function('jwk', 'listenKey', '(function(){return this;})(this.jwk, this.listenKey);');
var script = script(script);
Replace “YOUR_JWK_JSON_STRING” with the actual JSON string from step 3.
Generating the listen key in the application script can be a bit tricky, but after following these steps you should be able to get started. Don’t forget to replace the placeholder values (e.g. “YOUR_JWK_JSON_STRING”) with your actual JWK data.
We hope you found this article helpful! If you have any more questions or need additional help, please feel free to ask.