Ethereum: Chain doesn’t support EPI-3855 and broke front end?

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Ethereum: EPI-3855 and Broke Frontend Not Supported on Chain

Recent attempts to deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum network have seen users encounter an issue with EIP-3855 (also known as “Elliptic Curve Point at Infinity”) and a broken frontend. This article discusses the causes of these issues and provides guidance on how to resolve them.

What is EPI-3855?

EIP-3855 is an Elliptic Curve Point at Infinity (EC-PATI) algorithm designed for secure cryptographic operations, including digital signatures and non-repudiation. However, it has been deprecated in favor of more efficient algorithms due to security concerns and compatibility issues.

Unsupported Chain IDs: 31337

When deploying smart contracts on the Ethereum network, it is essential to ensure that the chain ID matches one of the supported chains. In this case, the user is attempting to deploy to a chain with ID 31337, which is not a valid or supported chain ID.

Local Deployment: EIP-3855 Not Supported

The first error message encountered when deploying smart contracts on Ethereum concerns EPI-3855:

“Local Deployment: EIP-3855 is not supported on one or more of the RPCs used.”

This indicates that the user’s local development environment (such as Geth or Parity) cannot handle EPI-3855, and therefore it is not installed.

Unsupported Chain IDs: 31337

As mentioned earlier, installing a smart contract with an unsupported chain ID (in this case 31337) on Ethereum will result in the second error message:

“Contracts: Unsupported Chain IDs: 31337.”

This indicates that the user is trying to install a contract on a chain with an ID that is not supported by the Ethereum network.

Broke Frontend

The broken frontend issue does not appear to be related to EPI-3855, but it may be worth investigating. However, without more specific details about the frontend code or environment, it is difficult to diagnose.

Remediation and Mitigation Strategies

To resolve these issues, users should consider the following:

  • Check the Chain ID: Make sure that the chain ID used for installation matches one of the supported chains.
  • Check EPI-3855 Compatibility

    Ethereum: Chain doesn't support EPI-3855 and broke front end?

    : Check if the EPI-3855 algorithm is compatible with the Ethereum network.

  • Use a compatible blockchain: If possible, use a blockchain that supports EPI-3855 (e.g. Polkadot or Cosmos).
  • Disable EPI-3855: In some cases, you may need to disable EPI-3855 in your smart contract implementation.


The issues experienced by users with Ethereum deployments can be caused by incompatible algorithms, unsupported chain identifiers, and poor compatibility between blockchain versions. By understanding these causes and implementing the necessary mitigation strategies, users will be able to resolve their deployment errors and successfully deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum network.

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