Storage of private keys in a MySQL database: a guide to build a Bitcoin gateway
While you embark on the creation of your own Bitcoin -based web application without using business gateways like CoinPayments or Bitpay, one of the most critical steps is to store private keys safely. In this article, we will explore how to store private keys in a MySQL database, ensuring that your sensitive information remains protected.
Why store private keys in a database?
Private keys are used to encrypt and decrypt Bitcoins, as well as for other cryptocurrencies. Storage of these keys in a secure database can help prevent unauthorized access or theft of sensitive financial data.
Before continuing, make sure you have:
- A MySQL server configured on your local machine or a cloud supplier.
- The necessary dependencies installed:
(for encryption) and any other library required by your chosen programming language.
- Familiarity with the design of the database and the MySQL query languages.
Step 1: Create a new MySQL database
Create a new database to store private keys, for example, Bitcoin_Keys
. You can do this using the following SQL command:
Create a Bitcoin_Keys database;
Step 2: Generate a secure private key (optional)
For maximum security, generate a unique and complex private key. You can use tools like OpenSSL to create a new pair of keys:
OpenSSL Genrsa --out Private_Key.Pem 2048
This will release a file calledprivate_key.pem.
Step 3: Create a MySQL table for private keys
Create a table to store private keys:
Create a Bitcoin_Keys table (
ID int Key primary self_inching,
User_id int,
Key_data text (255),
Updated_at timestamp default current_timestamp on current_timestamp update
Here,Idis a unique identifier for each private key input,
User_idis the user who has the key (for example, the username of your web application), and
key_datastocke the private key encrypted.
Step 4: Insert the data from the private key
Insert the private key generated in the table:
Insert in Bitcoin_Keys (User_id, Key_data)
Values (1, base64_encode ('your_private_key_here'));
Replacebase64_encode ()by a secure means of code your private key (for example, using
OpenSSLor another encryption library).
Step 5: Create procedures stored for access to the secure key
Create stored procedures that validate the user's identity and encrypt / decrypt private keys:
Delimiter //
Create the check_user_privkey procedure (
In User_id int,
In Key_Data Text
If hash (key_data) = hassi
Select * from bitcoin_keys where id = user_id;
Sqlstate signal '45000' set message_Text = 'invalid or miss the key data';
Finish Si;
Create an Encrypt_Privkey function (
In the text Key_Data,
In the Varchar password (255)
) Returns the text {
- Cry the private key using the chosen encryption algorithm.
Encrypted_Key: = OpenSSL_ENCRYPT (Key_Data, 'AES-256-CBC', Password);
Return Encrypted_Key;
Step 6: Call the stored procedures for your web application
Create a function or termination point in your web application to interact with stored procedures:
` Javascript
Const mysql = require (‘mysql’);
constant dbconfig = {
Host: “Localhost”,
User: “Your_username”,
Password: “your_password”,
Database: ‘bitcoin_keys’
Check_privkey function (user_id, key_data) {
Const conn = MySQL.createConnection (DBCONFIG);
Conn.connect ();
Return the new promise ((solve, reject) => {
Conn.query (‘Call check_user_privkey (1,?