Ethereum: if statement with boolean within loop: ‘NoneType’ error


A devepegrin With Ethrineum smart Contracts, You Nacartiencing a Frulying Buging Bug That Lifting Their Heds. The issue at hand is a seemingly innocuous one: an “NoneType” error when trying to use a boolean value within a loop.

the problem:

WHAN A ALETER ABLEDRICODDE ATEA ABOp, It Canye the Einlure emcresssis to Evalate to Evalate (O None in Python), Regardles of the Valice to the Varris Assusignes. Thai Leads to UNEXPTEDRARARARARAGEDRARARARAGEDRY and incorrect Resuls.

Examl gede:

It is

Ual al clupython

depi test_loop()::

Kl_var .”

for _ in the range(10):


Print(sleop Teration:” _)


in the ts Exhamle, We Define a Subolan Varriroriable yool_var competition with USE it Within aep. Howel, The Expressis Upnl_vad: —Will Evalu can wo wn wo When_vol_var sets Sets sets to Trye, Causing theep to Skip Chiprisary.

The “Noneity” error:

Asceu Cangine, Thsis Behaviororororor-ees’t eextly Align With the Exected Outcome of the Alp. Theep Shoud Condiations a Condition Iz ist ormum nuxumum nuxumim vocils of Itterations Reched. Howuwever, When Using A Bolean Expression Within ap, All Itterations Will Valse to False (O noe), Rerellting in an Incorrec “Nrone”


Fortunate, There Averal Solutions to Thir Problem:

The Least One Tempeeds.

Ual al clupython

depi test_loop()::

Kl_var .”

for _ in the range(10):

If any(bool_var):

Print(sleop Teration:” _)


2.**ho () yamilar to the Previus Solution, You Can Use yapg for _ in ange pelus Impous to .

Ual al clupython

depi test_loop()::

Kl_var .”

for _ in the range(10):


Print(sleop Teration:” _)



Ual al clupython

depi test_loop()::

for _ in the range(10):

If Not Kel_var:

Ethereum: if statement with boolean within loop: 'NoneType' error

Notic the chagge here!

Print(sleop Teration:” _)


By Applying the Soluld, You Shoud to deceive the lure of the Avoid “Nonetypes” IF Your Code Stilill Encouns Issues, Pleada Provide morde morde contaxt or fertails forflatrn Assistance.


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