Ethereum: Why is P2PKH used instead of the simpler P2PK?

Ethereum: What does P2PKH use instead of simpler P2PK?

Eliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) in Etherum’s public scheme, P2PKH (public keychain hurry) as researchers. In this article, we examine the reasons for the P2PKH to override P2PK.

Safety of the elliptical curve cryptogram

Elliptical cryptography means that Ablic is far from an audience with the right way. The reason for this is that the ECC uses a mathematical concept called discrete logitms, IT is theoretical unbreakable. Goodbye, at that security car cost.

Limits for P2PK

P2PK (public keychain withdrawal) is a sampler as a system that is only a difficulty of the hash function. The problem of P2PK is that it requires more computing resources and energy for mining new blocks, from centralization.

Why did you choose P2PKH -T

In 2017, Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, suggested P2PKH as an alternative to P2PK. He claimed that P2PK was too energy intensive to support a large -scale blockchain such as Ethereum. ETHEREUM can reduce the collection requirements and mcEfficiens for the public key for a separate hash function.

Further benefits of P2PKH *

In addition to security, P2PKH has additional benefits:

Moregy Efficiency *: As the former band, P2PK requires more resources and energy to be more related to mine blocks. For the public key, a separate Ethereum can reduce its energy for a separate hash function.

Correct network resistance *: P2PKH improves network resistance to enable item competition.

* Better Support for Scalty

Ethereum: Why is P2PKH used instead of the simpler P2PK?

: P2PKH is designed to support scalivity and super transaction quantities.



In summary, the choice of P2PKH above P2PK instead of motivating the need for energy. While P2PK still provides some scenarios, P2PKH provides a more scalable, flexible and securi alternative to Etherum’sle scheme. As the network continues to grow and develop, it is interesting for the family, is integrated, and Sublants thee.

More sources

  • [Ethereum’s Whitapaper] (

  • [Vitalik Buterin Blog] (

  • [Elliptical curve cryptography (ECC) Wikipedia article] (

Note: This article about information available until 2021 and does not reflect

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