Ethereum: Why isn’t there a fast blockchain update inside a LAN behind a router between two Bitcoin clients?

Fast Blockchain puzzle updates behind a local area network

In the world of crypto currency, blockchain technology allows for safe and transparent storage of data on a decentralized network. However, when it comes to updating Blockchain in the local network (LAN), the usual question arises: Why does there seem to be a fast update procedure? In particular, what happens when two clients on the same LAN -have a private IP address (192.168.X.X) and both run full Bitcoin blockchain?


Imagine two computers, A (with a private IP address 192.168.X.X) and B, connected to the same local network with private IPS. The router only forwards Port 8333 towards the computer, while any other incoming traffic forwarded to the computerB. As both clients have a whole bitcoin blockchain, they are running at the top of a decentralized network that allows communication with Peer-to-Peer.


Here's where things get interesting. When two computers try to update their local copies of Blockchain, there seems to be no visible reason why this procedure should not happen quickly. After all, both clients have a whole Bitcoin blockchain, and the router forwards Port 8333 according toA ‘, which probably has a faster internet connection.


Ethereum: Why isn't there a fast blockchain update inside a LAN behind a router between two Bitcoin clients?

To understand why this is not happening, we dive into details of how Ethereum network updates its blockchain. Especially:

  • Ethereum consensus algorithm: Ethereum network uses proof of work (POW) as its consensitive algorithm. When the client wants to update his blockchain, he must solve complex mathematical puzzles to confirm transactions and create new blocks.

  • Network delay: The process includes several knots in the Ethereum network, which need time to check the transactions, broadcast them into the network and respond with a new block header. This creates a narrow hill, making it slow to updates to get into force.

Here, here’s where B 'enters the game:

  • When the computera ‘tries to update its blockchain using Port 8333 (Ethereum knot connection), sends demands to all other nodes online.

  • The answers of these knots are then spread through the net, allowing `’to check the transactions and create new blocks.

  • However, since both computers have a whole bitcoin blockchain, they don’t have to wait to update that others certificates before updating their local copies.

Why does not have a fast update procedure?

The reason that is not a fast update procedure behind LAN is due to combined effects:

  • Network delay: In dispute checks and removal from other knots on the Ethereum network.

  • Consensitive Algorithm: Proof of work (POW) A Consensus Algorithm, which creates a narrow hill that slows updates.

In this scenario, although both computers have a whole Bitcoin blockchain, they do not need to wait for others before they update their local copies due to slow expansion of requests and answers via the Ethereum network.


This phenomenon emphasizes an interesting aspect of decentralized systems: although some nodes may seem as if they are working independently, the collective effort of more knots in the network creates complex interactions that can lead to unexpected effects. In this case, a combination of network latencia and consensus algorithm creates a narrow hill that slows updates behind LAN.

As the world of cryptocurrencies continues to develop, understanding of these complexities is crucial to the construction of more effective and scalable systems.

ethereum would code transaction

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